female clownfish lowering her tube?


Active Member
ok i walked in my room last night n saw that my female had either a crap or a tube down and that was at about 9:30pm yesterday and now at 2:30 today still down and u can see the shell in the pic is that her tube circled in the blue?


Active Member
the males tube isnt coming out yet but i hear that it comes out about 1-2hrs before they lay?


Active Member
is this a sign of eggs coming though? its getting fatter and bigger? were is bag guy and mr.bill when u need em?


Active Member
im trying to get more pics but shes getting more aggressive and she wont go on her side she follows me the tank is right next to my bed so shes always watching me! shes getting FAT!


Active Member
yea im worrying if that will affect the eggs? i doubt it though they fan those things like crazy I HOPE they lay i will be so happy ive tried 2-3times breeding clowns maybe there the 1s!