Few 12g Questions


So I am most likely getting a 12g JBJ Nanocube for my B-Day at the end of May and I have a small ( 2 inches ) yellow watchman goby in my little 3 gallon Pico. So, for a 12g, would this be too many fish/inverts in it?
-yellow watchman goby
-pistol shrimp
-false percula clown fish
-a single or mated pair of neon gobies
-cleaner shrimp
Also, I've heard watchman gobies are aggresive to other watchman gobies and neon gobies are aggresive to other neon gobies, but do you think a watchman goby will attack/kill a neon goby?


New Member
I wouldn't add the firefish and the neon gobies, due to a larger bio load. I only have two fish in my forty and am thinking of maybe adding two more tops. But thats just my opinion.