Few few questions about QT


New Member
I am going to be using a 10 gallon for my QT. It's cycling now with all normal readings. My question is what meds would be best to have on hand for various illnesses that might arise (well probably will). I want to get everything set for when I'm ready to start adding fish in my 55, have a few weeks of curing LR and LS left . Also how long after my 55 is ready do I need to wait to start adding my "Clean up crew"? And which ones would be the best to add? Do I also have to put them in my QT tank for a few weeks also? Maybe that will be best. Sorry about all the questions at once but I want to make sure everything is ready to go. Any and all suggestions will be greatly appreciated.:confused:
It is best to repost this over in the disease and treatment forum. Beth and Terry have all their bases covered on that forum and can give you excellent advice on what to keep on hand.
I personally keep nothing on hand. If I need something that hyposalinity will not cure, then off to the fish store I will go. I think some of those meds have a limited shelf life.


As soon as your tank finishes cycling you will probably get an algae bloom. That's as good a time as any to start adding your clean up crew.


New Member
I would rather stay away from meds, so the more natural I can go the better. (Example Hypo) Will that cure most things or just Ick?