Few pics of my 150


Active Member
thanks, so far so good with the puffer. This is my second. (first jumped while moving) I have had this one only a day or so. They wont bother corals, its just snails, crabs and shrimp ya gotta worrie about.


Active Member
Thanks everyone. right now I am running 3 250 mh, but want ot add either pc or vho for actinic and a cople of moom lights
TX Reef the tank is 72 long, 18 deep and 27 high. It has 1/2 thick glass. This thing is very heavy


Active Member
This tank is really only about two months old. every thing except (40 lbs new sand and about 50 lbs of live rock) came out of my 55 gal. It was 2 yrs old. The puffer is a new fish, I have only had it a few days. so far its been picking on my sand shifting snails only.. If it starts on my cleaner shrimp it will go byebye. we had one in the 55 gal, (jumped during move) it never bothered anything not even snails. I was hoping to get another like the first, but this one is deffently diff.


looks great. Is that a toby or valenti puffer? I always wanted to get a puffer for my reef but i dont want to take the chance with him eating my inverts.


Active Member
There are a variety of tobies. They are all pretty small and have the same body shape. my old one was a valintini, I found out this one is a hawian saddle back., They look close, but the v has black saddle with stripes on its head and the h is brown stripes with orange dots.


do you have any shrimp or nething in your tank. Have you ever had a problem with them eating your inverts?


Active Member
With the valintini no never bothered anything. With this new one, I have seen it eat two nass snails. It has not bothered my shrimp or hermits YET. I am keeping a close Eye on it. There are a few other people here that have tobies in thier reefs. I hadnt heard antything bad from them.


Active Member
that toadstool is massive! i am moving my 150 gallon in one hour, so wish me luck!!!
ps - at least mine is acryllic :)


Active Member
Good Luck. My husband had to have three guys from work come and help move ours. :scared: :scared: well Im off to cypress gardens for the weekend. have a good one.


Originally Posted by TeresaQ
With the valintini no never bothered anything. With this new one, I have seen it eat two nass snails. It has not bothered my shrimp or hermits YET. I am keeping a close Eye on it. There are a few other people here that have tobies in thier reefs. I hadnt heard antything bad from them.
I think i might be giving the valentini a shot. How easy are they to catch if a problem arises? It doesnt seem like they are fast swimmers. I checked one out tonight at my local LFS. Seems like hes always out in the open near the top of the tank.