Few questions, pest in tank possibly


Ok sorry if this is a newb question and i have seached and read up some but didnt really understand it all or find what i was wanting. so here it goes.
Over the past 8 months to a year i have lost almost all of my snails and crabs, i dont think there is but maybe 2 crabs of 25 i had. Also one cleaner shrimp, a star fish (brittle star), 2 emerald crabs, 2 sallylight foots, and i think thats it. I dont knwo what happned to them at all. Iv read up on things that might have killed them but dont know. Also sometimes at night there are loud taps ont he glass in the tank or so it sounds like. Kinda like a snail shell against the glass. Just wondering what it could be and how i can get ride of what ever is doing this. All fish are fine it just seems to be invertabrits. Thanks


Active Member
you my friend are the proud owner of mantis shrimp . . . theres a wealth of info on this board about them. Try a search. Dont kill the thing though! Either keep it, or trade it. There are dozens of people on here who want it!


OK ill seach but ill ask here as well.. so how do i catch this thing? how big? anyone have pictures of one?


Active Member
I am sure you have found this by now, but DONT TRY TO CATCH IT WITH YOUR HANDS!!!!!! You'll end up in the hospital with some thread in your fingers if ya know what I mean.
There was recently a post about a coke bottle trap that would probably work well. Try that


yea i found a few things. I think ill try the coke bottle trap. One more question for anyone that is looking.
How often do these things feed? b/c the clicking only happens once in a while, or i only hear it now and then. Just wondering, i just wish i knew what side of the tank he was on so i could put the bottle there. Thanks for the help guys and if i ever catch the thing ill put up some pictures.


Active Member
The one that they have at my LFS will eat anytime you throw food in. I've been up there when he at 9 goldfish in one hour. They are like me, they love to eat and will stop at nothing.


thanks, making the soda bottle trap tomorrow and putting in a shrimp for bait. see if i catch anything. This way every morning is like christmas. I run down stairs to see what i got.:D


Active Member

Originally posted by waterfaller1
BTW..there is also a method,of taking a pair of panthose,cut a small piece out..put a piece of food in it..tie a knot in the stocking.The idea is that the mantis will get caught in the pantyhose,while trying to get the food..Maybe you can incorporate both methods..just to make sure he does'nt get away..:cool:

Heard of doing this with bristle worms, but never a mantis before.
Also, be careful when you pick up the coke bottle trap if you catch anything. It could rip right through the thing if it wants too. I would use some tongs or something . . .


You must have a mantis shrimp, sorry to say. I love them, but it is like loving tigers...you would not keep one with the kids.
Hope all goes well with the trap. Make sure there are small holes over the surface of the trap so air will not get collected within and make it float. Have a pull string attached so you can get it out again quickly.
And do not hold the little beast when you catch him, they can cause significant damage. Especially if it is a

/bladed mantis. It does sound like a clubber, from your observations, but don't take the chance. Most of the islands in the Carribean call them thumb splitters.
Good luck.