few questions


New Member
im in the process of setting up a 30 gallon reef i want to keep some mushrooms some xenia an open brain and have a pair of clowns ..ok but here is the questions can you use the southdown playsand with a plenum system or is it to fine to use?...second question is lighting for the corals mentioned is mh needed or can i use a 24"pc ?


Active Member
i beleive the southdown would be fine to use.
as far as the lighting goes?????
i'm a big beleiver in MH.but i also have a 100g not a 30g.
sorry, not alot of help.


Active Member
For the corals you mentioned PC's should be okay.
South down is as you guessed too fine for a plenum system, I recommend Seaflor special grade aragonite sand.
It's what I use im my plenum system.


I agree with Burn. The lighting will be fine. Placement of the corals is key. I have the same corals in my 33gal under the same lighting-2 24" 55w PC. All are doing very well. As for the sand I run a DSB, so the finer the sand the better. Not the case with a plenum, use Burns advise here. He is the plenum king. :D --Bob