Few Questions


Just bought a new 30g tank :)
How long do I cycle the tank before I can add snails and small things? and this is probubly a stupid question...I can add live rock at any time... like a few days after i set up right?
and... what are some easy fish that are pretty hardy, this is my first tank so i want a few easy to handle things first. How many fish can I have, i know 30g is pretty small and i don't want to overload the tank.
Any help would be appreciated! thanks


The cycle will take as long as . . . well, it needs to, there's no set time limit. You'll know it's complete after ammonia rises, then falls to zero as nitrites rise, then nitrites fall to zero as nitrates rise. You will need to test for these elements yourself, or have a LFS test your water for you. A pretty good ballpark number is four or so weeks, but sometimes it takes longer, sometimes shorter. Patience is the number one virtue in this hobby.
I believe it's a good idea to test the water throughout the cycle. Not only will this allow you to follow its progress, but it gives you practice with the test kits and helps get you into the habit of testing.
YOu can add LR virtually anytime, but just not randomly. If there's no critters in the tank, you can add the LR and the inevitable curing process will actually promote your cycle. Adding LR after the tank has been stocked is trickier, a teeny bit. The LR would have to be cured outside the tank in a seperate container, otherwise you risk starting another ammonia spike (And cycle) if uncured LR is added post-livestock.
Of course the cycle will need something to initiate it. As mentioned, curing LR can do it (the lifeforms that died-off will do it), some add food to the tank, others add something like a shrimp from the grocery store . . . anything that will start to decay will create ammonia and start your cycle.


You can add LR now which will start your cycling for you.You can also add damsels to help with cycling allthough the Damsels WILL probaly die and it's a very sad death.I started my tank with Damsels and lost all of them and promised myself that I would never do that again.I would add some LR and let it cycle for at least six weeks if not longer before adding anything.
some of your hardy fish for that sized tank would be your damsels and chromis and gobies.This site is full of information just start reading as much as you can and ask as many questions that you want people here will diffently help.


Cycle your tank with the rock. When Ammonia, and Nitrite both stay at a steady zero then it is safe to add your cleanup crew.