few questions...


One: I want to help the growth of coraline algae and was told to put calcium in the tank, will this really help?
My chocolate chip star, what is there normal behavior like? He was crusing along my glass and now he is in this hole in my rocks...just sitting there, its been a while. When I got him, he never stoped moving. Is that ok?
Is it ok to handle the star? I gave him some food when he was on the glass and this morning he still had it under him, didnt eat it all. So I picked him up (leaving in the water) and removed the uneaten food. These guys hold on tight to the glass...he is my favorite so far. (Im very new to this, so dont have much yet)
Thanks sooooo much,


sign guy

Active Member

Originally Posted by jden092901
I want to help the growth of coraline algae and was told to put calcium in the tank, will this really help?Yes when conbined with magnesium
My chocolate chip star, what is there normal behavior like? He was crusing along my glass and now he is in this hole in my rocks...just sitting there, its been a while. When I got him, he never stoped moving. Is that ok? need to know more about yor tank size amount of LR and how long youve had em stars are kind hard to keep
Is it ok to handle the star? I gave him some food when he was on the glass and this morning he still had it under him, didnt eat it all. So I picked him up (leaving in the water) and removed the uneaten food. These guys hold on tight to the glass...he is my favorite so far. (Im very new to this, so dont have much yet)
Thanks sooooo much,

dont know about haddling them


Active Member
first... what kind of tank do you have and what are your water params....Second have you checked your calcium and alk levels


Active Member
Some info I found when I was thinking about getting one.
"Chocolate Chip Sea Stars are quite hardy. However, they are not considered to be reef safe since they tend to eat corals, clams, and oysters. Conversely, certain large aggressive fish and crustaceans could harass a Chocolate Chip Star. The Chocolate Chip Star is often sensitive to poor water quality. Changes in its behavior or appearance, for example, slowed movement, or refusal of food, could indicate a problem in your system. Although they can be fed meaty items such as shrimp, fish, and clams, this is almost never necessary and may contribute to poor water quality."