Fianlly out of QT.

Well my yellow spotted boxfish is finally out of QT and I have a question. When I rescued him at *****, they dredlocked employee told me that they will grow in excess of 30inches or "beach ball size" Is this actually true?


Active Member
They can get to 15 inches int he home tank 24 in the wild they do have personality in SPADES how ever. Mine til it got knocked a piece of LR over was a puppydog in the tank and let me know when hungryr it would spit water out of the tank at me and basically go FEED ME NOW.
Well he has yet to eat my foods ive been feeding him, and well..."him" being a boxfish kinda scares me if hes not eating, I don't want to have him nuke my whole tank. He does how ever he some of the tiny algae off my LR. Is this ok? LFS said they had him for 3 weeks, and he was a AVID eater. He ate in the QT but hes not eating in the DT.