Fiesty Mandarin


I enjoy watching my mandarin glide through the rocks, peacfully grazing. I've never seen any aggressive behaviour until yesterday.
My coral beauty who also enjoys grazing on the same rocks came a little to close to Mandy.
His dorsal stood straight up like a catfish and dared the CB to come closer

I thought is was kinda funny (no one was hurt).
P.S. how many people with mandarins name them Mandy?


New Member
:help: Know what you mean about watching the mandarin gliding. I've never seen my get agressive but I'm worried he's not feeling well, maybe I'm not feeding correctly? What food do you get your mandarin to eat? :confused:


Active Member
what are you feeding him? IS he eating copepods in your tank? do you have any left? Or is he a rare one that eats prepared foods?