Fight! Seriatopora vs Lobophyllia

veni vidi vici

Active Member
I had a Birdsnest frag fall into my Brain coral last night .I woke up this morning to a bleached Birdsnest
.Stupid Turbo's they are getting to big and becoming a PITA.


Active Member
the same thing happened to me with an ora BN and an indo lord. the lord had the BN showing pure white skeleton in about an hour.


chemical warefar at its finest and doesnt take long to devastate surounding corals.
have you fragged off all the bleached areas to try to stop the RTN? if not that would be a good thing to do and try to save some of the BN coral .

veni vidi vici

Active Member
Originally Posted by MichaelTX
chemical warefar at its finest and doesnt take long to devastate surounding corals.
have you fragged off all the bleached areas to try to stop the RTN? if not that would be a good thing to do and try to save some of the BN coral .
Yes i fragged it as soon as i saw what had happened.Frags are doing fine.