Fighting Clowns


Hey everyone, I have two percula clowns in a 50 gal tank and they are fighting like theres no end. Sometimes they get along great and follow each other around, and other times they are attacking each other. The one clown has a bad cut on his mouth and the other clown has a bite on his side by his fin. What can I do to stop them from fighting? Is there anything to do or will it continue? I enjoy having both of them in the tank they add great color and are great looking fish. What should I do? Also one more question on another topic, are too many water changes bad for a tank, or can they be beneficial? Thanks.


Active Member
yeah, how big/old are these fish? if they get along sometimes and fight sometimes, it's probably that they are fighting to decide which one is more dominate to become the female.


I'm not quite sure how old they are, I got them about 3 weeks ago, and they are about 1 1/4 inch. When I got them at the LFS store they had gotten there aboue a week before. Hopefully what you said about the dominate one will be figured out soon so they don't hurt each other more. Thanks.


but i believe if they are both females they will not return to being a male.
that is most likely why everyone says when buying a pair get a larger one and a smaller one. i think i may have screwed up when i got my pair of Ocellaris' about 10 months ago. i got both at the same size. they both seem to twitch still. dont swim around together to often. but one of them is slightly larger then the other one now. so i might have gotten lucky.


Active Member
I'm not sure when they change sexes, but at 1.25 inches, they are less than half grown. I got mine at the same size. they get along pretty well, but still twitch and argue once in awhile. one is starting to get a little bigger than the other one, so I think they'll be ok.


yea pontius,
sounds like you are in the same boat as me. they have there little spats. but order is restored pretty quickly and they are back to being buddies.
my one clown i think maybe turning into the female. feeding he/she goes nuts even runs my royal gramma out of the way.
its funny