fighting clowns



i have a maroon clown with yellow stripes in a 10 gal tank. today i added another maroon with yellow stripes half the first ones size. the larger one was attacking the new one as soon as it was put into the tank. it was taking chunks out of the fins. i put the bigger fish in a different tank for now. is the size difference to great.


Active Member
Could be that you have 2 females. How big are the clowns? The second may not be small enough. There should to be a really really big size difference IMO for maroon pairing with minimal aggression. The smaller will submit to the larger clown faster because of the sizes.
Also, a 10 gallon is much too small for a maroon clown IMO.


the bigger one is easily twice the size of the other if not bigger. if they are both females wouldn't the smaller one become a male, or would it not get the chance because the other would kill it before it had time to.


well i'm changing everything around. i'm putting the maroon clowns in my 55 and the percula that was in the 55 in the 10 and will get it a mate later. the bigger maroon is about 3" and the new one is about 1 1/2". is there any way to tell if it is male or female.