fighting clowns


i have 2 false perc clowns have had them for about 8 mounths with no problems. thay started to fight the other night figuered thay were just establishing who is the dominant one. next day thay were fine swimming together no problems. looking at tank tonight the halides shut off just the t5 actinic on thay start to go after each other thought that was a little odd sow i shut the t5 off and thay were fine turn them back on and there at it again. why would the t5 make them fight. the bulbs are about 9 mounth old should i replace them.


Originally Posted by tom-01
i have 2 false perc clowns have had them for about 8 mounths with no problems. thay started to fight the other night figuered thay were just establishing who is the dominant one. next day thay were fine swimming together no problems. looking at tank tonight the halides shut off just the t5 actinic on thay start to go after each other thought that was a little odd sow i shut the t5 off and thay were fine turn them back on and there at it again. why would the t5 make them fight. the bulbs are about 9 mounth old should i replace them.
wow never heard of this before. can you get a video of it. maybe they think they have a chance to take the other one out during dusk/dawn. who knows? very interesting.


Active Member
Long as there are no fins missing don`t worry too much . Clowns get very territorial when getting older and especially when it`s time to sleep . The female might just be showing she is the boss .


I have noticed that when I do a water change my false percs seem to "go at it", they never hurt each other they kind of take turns being the aggressor. One will quiver while the other one watches and then they switch. As soon as I'm done with the water change they stop.


i love clowns because they have so much personality. whenever im over the tank they jump out of the water at me.