fighting ick


I am currantly fighting ick. I treated tank with copper safe. I lost flaming angle, yellow tang, tomatoe clown. I have one supper clown that has survied. My question is what is hyposalinity and should i use this treatment on top of copper treatment.


hyposalinity is where you lower your salinity to 1.009 over the course of 48 hours and leave it like that for about 3 weeks after all the spots have gone then you can slowly raise the salinity back up over 2 weeks


Active Member
Originally Posted by Stevenb
I am currantly fighting ick. I treated tank with copper safe. I lost flaming angle, yellow tang, tomatoe clown. I have one supper clown that has survied. My question is what is hyposalinity and should i use this treatment on top of copper treatment.

Copper is your problem!!! Long term treatment on a tang with Copper can be deadly. Are you making sure your not over dosing with copper? You need to feed high quality foods during treatment period. Try feeding some formula 2, it has added garlic or you can mix some garlic extract with whatever food your feeding too. I wouldn't try hypo right now since your treating with copper, I think you'll just sent the rest of the crew to the edge. Start feeding some garlic food and start running some carbon to get that copper out and do a 20-25% water change. :happyfish