Figi Tukani or Premium Caribbean rock???

ok I'm going to my lfs later this week. Which isn't to local, it's actually almost two hour drive. But they have Figi Tukani for 7.50 a lb. and they have Premium Caribbean for 7.00 a lb. so money wise what I can afford I'm either getting 50 lb of Tukani or 60 lb of Caribbean. If they have the Same amount of life and same amount of coraline, which would be the best rock. It's going in a 45 gallon corner tank. Thanks in advance.


Well-Known Member
I'd get the Fiji but that's just me. I agree with one-fish, you don't need much live rock to seed the tank after that dry rock will become live BRS sells pukani dry rock for around $3.50 a pound. Pukani isn't as heavy as other dry rock so you get more volume for your money. Their shipping is free. Some of that with a piece of good live rock you'd be set.