Fiji Live Rock


I have 10 pounds of LR in my tank that I bought from a great LFS but it cost me a small fortune. I ordered another 25 pounds of "Fiji Live Rock" from another source (less $$$). What is the difference between this LR and the stuff I already have? It is supposed to be "cured". Should I quarinteen it for a few days before putting it in my tank? I've been reading the horror stories and I'm now nervous...


Active Member
Any live rock you buy online will not be cured when it arrives due to shipping unless it was shipped in water. You should cure it in a seperate place rather than in your tank ie. spare tank or rubbermaid tub. Place a powerhead and heater in there until your ammonia leves read 0 for a few days.


If it's not cured, you should only buy/add a little at a time...about 5-10 lbs at a time. This way, you will avoid amonia spikes. If it is cured, then you need not worry about anything. The added rock will help a great deal with you biological filtration.