Can anyone help me understand the differences between Fiji, Marshall Island and Tonga branch LR for my new 50 gal tank.
No fish in it now, thought I'd start with the rock & do an 'in tank' re-cure.
Any thoughts and or advice apprecieated!
The primary difference is where it came from and the price. Tonga rock is also shaped a little different from Fiji, i've never seen the MArshall Island rock to be able to comment on it. All of the rock will do its job if its of good quality. I have a mixture of Tonga and Fiji. The Tonga has some better shapes and better looking coralline colors IMO. The fiji had a little more life on it though. I perfer the looks of good quality tonga but it all depends on what the store has.
i havent orderd rocks from them but i have ordered inverts from them .. seems like they have good prices and there isnt any wait .. with the inverts the next day they were here ... call them if ya can and talk to jeff .. he seems to be a patient man and will answer any question you have