filament fairy wrasse


On saturday I purchased a FFW at a LFS.
It was in a tank by itself and was swimming all around with its dorsal fin extended and looked grandiose!
Got it home, aclimated it, and added it to the tank.
By later that night it had dug itself a "cave" under a large piece of coral.
Sunday it was just "sitting" on the side of the tank. You could see its eyes looking back at you and following you. But it has not gotten up and done any swimming since I put it in the tank.
It just sitsthere, moves a bit, and sits some more.
Any info you can offer?
Does it just need time to get used to its tank-mates (65gal with lots of coral hiding places w/Clarkii w/its host anemone, 3 types of damsels, lime green wrasse, engineer goby [boy has he gotten big!] and a firefish).
What was a super fish now looks like a dud.


LFS tank had a 3/4" course gravel base.
Do you hink that since it couldn't borrow, that it had no choice but to swim all over the place? and... now that it has a more "normal" enviornment, it likes its own "space"?
(Good for the fish, but boring for the viewer)