Filling the tank


Ok I am going to be filling my new 125 gallon this weekend. In what order should I do this? Sand, LR, then premixed heated water? If this is the way to do it doesn't your sand get all stired up and cloud the water? QUESTION #2 After I have the tank filled what should be running? Filter and heaters I know, but what about power heads??? Protein skimmer?? Thanks for all the help!!!!


I'm sure you'll get lots of answers but here's my 2c. I put the sand in first and level it. then I put a bowl in the center and pour the water into the bowl so your not dumping it directly onto the sand (bigger bowl the better). then once it's about 3/4 or so full add the live rock and what not (because obviously if you fill all the way then add it will spill over). Then when filled top it off. It probably will be cloudy so you can wait prob day or two to settle or go ahead and set up powerheads to get directionality right. I probably definately wait to settle for skimmer. So that should get you started.


Zoboo, I just filled a 90 gallon about a month ago. What I did first was put in 1/4 of the tank with RO water, then added about 2 inches of LS. I then added the LR. It is MUCH easier to add the LR when the tank isnt full. I then filled the tank 1/2 way with RO water. I then added LS to about 4-5 inches. I put in a heater. Then I filled the tank with RO water to about 2 inches from the top. I then put in 2 powerheads and 2 airstones. I left some space from the top cause i was adding more LR from my LFS to help start the cycle. I left the tank running like this for about a week. I then added an Aquaclear 110 filter. I then put 6 cocktail shrimp in a ziploc bag with some holes and threw that in. I used a bag cause I didnt want the shrimp to decomp and get stuck in a crevice that I couldnt get it out. The shrimp helped the cycle and my parameters started to rise. Its been about 2 weeks and the numbers have come down and I am going to start adding fish. The complete cycle took about a month. I did not add a protein skimmer cause there is nothing to skim at the moment. I would defin recommend using RO water. Either get in from a store or invest in one. I figured it is cheaper and easier in the long run to just buy one. Hope this helps and good luck. :joy:


Active Member
LR first, directly on the bottom of the tank. make sure it is stable and will not fall. If you put sand in first make sure the LR is stable on the bottom. If the sand is supporting the rock and you get a sand digger critter it may cause the rock to fall and squish the critter or worse yet hit the side/front of the tank (not a good thing). Place sand around the rock. The rock will also add as a break when you add water.
It will need to settle, if you have a HOB filter crank it up and clean pads as often as you can. This will help with the sand storm.