Filling up a freshly-drilled tank


So I have a 55 gallon tank. I drilled it a few days ago, and attached all necessary plumbing. Using a rubbermaid-esque container as the sump (i'd say it's about 15 gallons), and I just bought a Rio 1400 return pump.
Can anyone explain to me how I fill this thing up with water? Do I just fill up the tank until it starts overflowing into the sump.
Also, when do I turn the return pump on?


I am not sure if there is really a wrong way to fill, but I would let it overflow into your sump. Once you have what levle of water you want, Then turn on your pump, and monitor your level from there. Add and subtract as needed. I would alos make a mark on the outside of the dump to mark your water level So that you have a idea of water loss. I am no expert, Just my 2 cents.


Active Member
Just like reefer75 said in an humble expertish way...haha.
Fill the tank untill it over flows to the sump and then fill the sump to the highest or recomended level and then start the pumps. The water levels will lower some in the sump as the pump moves water into the main tank and after every thing stablelizes then mark the water line in the sump and this is the top off mark so never top off above the mark.