Film on Top of Water


I just added 60lbs of LS to my tank. Mixed in the sand was some pink stuff. When I added the water most of the pink stuff stayed at the bottom of the tank with the LS. Some however has floated to the top. I am using a prizm skimmer for my skimming and my LR & LS as my filter. It is a fish only tank. Please let me know what the pink stuff is. Also since I switched to the Prizm skimmer there is a whitish film on the surface of the water. Has anyone else run across this. Thanks for the help. :confused:


Active Member
If you don't have an overflow use a powerhead to break up the surface film and eventually the skimmer will skim it out of the tank.


Active Member
mlm is right about the powerhead - direct it at the surface and towards the skimme and the film will begin to break up. takes a while to clean up. I have no idea what the pink stuff is - never heard of it.


the pwr head pointed twds the top help but when u do a water change (if u use a siphon hose) you can use it to sort of skim the top off and clean some of the junk up :D


Thank you everyone for your ideas.. I am switching my powerheads around to try breaking up the water. On my next water change I will skim the surface. I will keep you posted on what happens.