film on water help


Active Member
I am using a stockman standpipe in my overflow. It actually takes the water from about 1 1/2" below the top water line.
I am developing a film on the top now.
What can I do to filter this? I get rid of most with water changes but not all.
Any ideas? Thanks


If its on top of your tanks water you may not have enogh water curculation . I keep my return pointed up to stir the surface water and keep it all mixed so it has a chance to get through the overflow and into the sump . Then in there my bio filt. and protein skimmer can handle it.


Active Member
you jsut need somthing to agitate teh surface, it happens to us all, with enough agitation it will go away


Active Member
I have two powerheads aiming upwards. They agitate the surface at both ends of the tank. I still get a film? It is almost like a fine oil film.
Maybe I need more?


my return is on opposite end from over flow and under the overflow i have one pointed down at an angle to cover the middle and keep a circular current . My return flow just barely breaks the surface , stirs in just alittle air.