Film on water surface


New Member
I have a 85 gal with 120 lbs live rock and 60 lbs live sand bed with hermits snails galore with a cyclon skimmer and a 350 mag cannister filter two power heads. This is the issues I have a very thin algae like film on the surface of my water what is casing this and hwo can I get rid of it it is effecting my jbj lighting brightness in the tank!!!!!


New Member
I once had the same thing. I pointed one of the powerheads so there was a current at the top. That moved the green scum so the Mag could suck it up. I also used a brine shrimp net to skim it out.
Good Luck!


I definitley agree w/Xenia, just point your powerhead up a little bit and that will break up the water,worked for me..good luck.
Best way to get rid of this is get a sump with a over flow. This happened to me and when i installed the sump, the overflow took all that film away. Plus a sump would be a good idea anyway to get a few more gallons of water circulating through the tank.


Rule of thumb.....
If you can see film on the top, you probably do not have enough surface water movement....!
"Gas exchange"