Filmy water on top


Can anyone tell me why the water on the top of the tank is kind of murky and filmy. It is only on one half of the tank and Im beginning to think that it is because I dont have any powerhead circulation up there. Could this be it or could it be something I am missing.


I also forgot to mention that I do not have a protein skimmer hooked up yet but I do not believe this is the reason


I have a large wet dry w/ bioballs. Im not sure if it is operating at full force and this could be the reason however, it is a pretty new problem.


Active Member
The cleared area is probably surrounding the overflow...either you could increase the gph into the overflow...caution to not gp beyond its limits...or probably easiest to direct a powerhead toward the surface in a manner to sorta direct the film towards the overflow as mentioned above.

nm reef

Active Member
The film on the surface is common and can be prevented by increased surface agitation and surface skimming. Your overflow probably clears most of it but additional surface agitation can eliminate the rest.Maintaining stable water chemistry and adaquate filtration also helps.:cool:


This is dead on accurate since it is clear where the overflow box is. I have also been battling some chem. issues from a combination of stupidity on my part as well as me going away on vacation leaving things in my roomates hands. Things are under control and everyone is still alive. I re-direct one of my powerheads for surface agitation.