Filter Blow Out


Active Member
5 minutes ago the whole downstairs went black after a small "POP". After fumbling around in the garage I reset the circuit breaker switch and went back down stairs to figure out what had tripped the breaker. You know that burnt plastic smell?...heck we all know what that smells like. Well it was coming from the power pack to the pony tank. I found one of the component plugs rather cooked...the power filter.
I got this little unit from a friend.
Now I have to cough up money for a new filter. I have a little aquaclear on the pony tank right now, but it's not enough.


Active Member
If the plug is just the problem , you can get a new plug end for it . If it melted , more likely something is wrong with the filter to cause a short and melted the plug .


Active Member
Originally Posted by Dawman
If the plug is just the problem , you can get a new plug end for it . If it melted , more likely something is wrong with the filter to cause a short and melted the plug .
That's what I think happened. Just before the lights cut out I heard a little whining eerrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrzzzzzzzz sound, like the sound of a motor burning itself up.


A while ago my coralife super skimmer's plug got all melted and nasty from water running down into the socket. I think it might've been SCSI himself who asked why I didn't just replace the plug. I literally pulled the skimmer out of the garbage on the curb and replaced the plug, easily I was ready to go and buy another skimmer, and this was only months after I bought it. So yeah, go for it dude! I just did the fish line mod to my css today, and it works better than ever...had it for 2 yrs now!


Active Member
You need to be careful of course, to determine if it's a power supply or simply a plug.
If it's a power supply (or wall adapter, wall wart, etc) similar to the attached photo, you can't simply replace it with an ordinary plug. If that's the case we'll need to look at the specs and find a replacement supply.
I only mention it because ordinary plugs don't usually just melt. Power supplies do because their internal circuitry overheats and causes problems.
Pics will help us tell the tale!



Active Member
Right on top of that rose
It' may be a few days before I get rip open this project, but I get some pics soon.
Thanks for the info