Filter Choice? -HELP!!!!

Hello everyone, I need some advise before purchasing a new canister filter. I am looking to replace my Aquaclear 110/500gph HOB filter. Too noisy! I love the water movement because you can see the volume of water moving on the surface but when my water level drops, it becomes noisy because the water has a bigger drop.
I'm looking to replace it with a canister either a Fluval 305 or a Marineland C-220. Please help me any advise would be greatly appreciated. Or should I just keep my Aquaclear and stay on top of my water level.
The tank is a 46 gallon bow front w/ 75lbs LR and 45lbs Live sand.
Having a Fluval, I'd go with the Fluval over the Marineland. Mine runs quiet and the media is easier for me to find.
I've seen some of the marineland filters still in the box with broken pieces as well. (I'm one of those in-store lets open the box and see what it looks like kind of people)
just my $0.02