I was wondering how often I should clean my filters. If I do it, would it kill my bio-filtration? Also, what about carbon? Is it necessary because I heard something different? I just want to make sure. Thanks.
Originally posted by Killer2004
I was wondering how often I should clean my filters. If I do it, would it kill my bio-filtration? Also, what about carbon? Is it necessary because I heard something different? I just want to make sure. Thanks.
I have the same question I have two filters one for Bio and the other for just waste, Carbon filter.
They told me once a month you should change the carbon in the filter, When you do a water change.. That is what I was told....
Jackman :happyfish
i was told that the bio bag filter should be changed every 2 months!! and the carbon filter should NOT!! be touched or messed with. if you need to clean the carbon filter?? take it out with the tips of your fingers and rinse it with luke warm water. but make sure you only use the tips of your fingers for this!! put it back careful;ly and you shopuld be okay!!