Filter Feeding Help


Hey all. I have been having good success with my softies over the last couple years and have started this past month adding LPSs. I have an 80 and a 55. Water conditions have been optimal. I feed Kent Phytoplex and Zooplex 2-3 times a week. I'm hearing there are better products (actually, I have heard some negative things about these products too).
I'm leaning on adding to the feeding rotation something else. The LPSs that I have added seem to be doing VERY well. I'm thinking "if it ain't broke, don't fix it" but at the same time, is there a "better" filter feeding solution?
What about oyster eggs? (I can only find them frozen).
Reef Roids?
Other products?
james =)


Active Member
There is coral frenzy which has oyster larvea in it and it is very easy to dose. It is a powder and you can mix it with phytoplankton or a trace element, or just tank water.
I have had pretty good results for it and my corals AND my inverts LOVE it!
I have heard some bad stuff about reef roids. I have not used it though, so I only speak from what I have heard.


Originally Posted by rlablan
There is coral frenzy which has oyster larvea in it and it is very easy to dose.
Thanks rlablan! You put a KEY word in there. "EASY."
I really want to try the Oyster Eggs but the only way I have seen it sold is frozen and LFSs here don't know about it much carry it.
I'll look into the Coral Frenzy. If it is EASY to do, I will be much more likely to be consistant.
Anyone else?
james =)


Active Member
Yeah I like to dump it in sometimes after mixing it with something, or I make it in a little bowl and then just spot feed the little guys that I want to grow more. I just sort of squirt it in their general area (after turning off the flow) and then I just let it set for about 20 minutes or so, then turn the flow back on.
Also, If it were me, I would try to oyster eggs. If they are at an LFS, it means they're fish grade and I don't think it could hurt. If anything, I bet the fish would love them!