Filter Feeding Snail???


I know, I know, conch snails are supposed to be scavengers or algae eaters. But I bought a 6 inch "milk conch" a couple of weeks ago, and he does not appear to eat algae or scavenge. He moved around for the first couple of days (knocking corals over as he went) and finally settled on the side of the glass near the protein skimmer intake about 4 inches from the top of the tank. He has been there for about a week, maybe a few days more than a week. I know that he is alive because he is stuck to the glass and because I can see a part of him (looks like a nasal passage) that extends out from his pointed front. He looks like an overgrown Queen Conch? Could this snail be a filter feeder of some sort? I have looked for a snail like him in several books and not found the exact type, but several were close. All of these types were listed as algae eaters and scavengers, but not mine. Any idea what he could be doing, or what (and how) I could feed him??????


OK, how about a shorter form of these questions:
1)has anyone ever had a snail that did not move for several days, but was not dead?
2)anyone have any idea how you might go about feeding a large conch snail?
3)anyone have a large conch snail?
Thanks a lot--David


I have snails, but they're astrea snails. Anyway, today in fact, I just bought food for them. It's not really food2, but it's good enough. It's KENTMARINE Liquid Calcium. It says that this is a good calcium addition for snails and other stuff. I got it for about eight bucks. I saw the KENTMARINE Microvert, that's for filter feeder, it doesn't say anything about snails. So that's about what I know.


Maybe I am wrong, but the Kents liquid Calcium would only benefit the snails ability to keep reproducing his shell, as he grows... I would not consider that food for he snail... But then again, I couldbe wrong..! <img src="graemlins//urrr.gif" border="0" alt="[urrr]" /> <img src="graemlins//urrr.gif" border="0" alt="[urrr]" /> <img src="graemlins//urrr.gif" border="0" alt="[urrr]" />