Filter feeding


Just curious......have seen the term "filter feeding" numerous times. What is it? Who benefits from it?


Active Member
Filter feeders are animals that feed by filtering microscopic planktons out of the water. Some feed on zooplankton, some on phytoplankton, some on bacteria and some on a combination or all. There is a very wide variety of animals who filter feed. Corals, feather dusters, sponges and and tunicants just to name a few.


Boy, do I feel silly, I thought it was some sort of filter you put in your tank! :rolleyes: So the bubble coral that I have and the pink tip hatian, are filter feeders and feed on the phytoplankton that I put in the water,.... correct?
Thanks !!!!;)


Active Member
While some corals do eat phytoplankton most eat zooplankton, bacteria and or detritus. The phytoplankton do serve a purpose even if no phyoto eaters are present, it feeds the zooplanktons in the system keeping them heathy and reproducing for the corals to feed on.


Active Member
Actualy I left something out; sponges, small feather dusters, tunicants and many other small sessile filter feeders that infest the under sides of our rocks and dark corners of the system feed on phytoplankton. When they attempt reproduction the corals will feed on the free floating reprodutive cells, newly fertilized cells and young free swimming/floating larva, providing more food for the corals.