Filter Floss in 12 Nano Cube.. Where does it go?


Active Member
I picked up a a bag of filter floss from petsmart today..
first chamber: 3 sponges
second: cermamic rings, carbon, and bio balls
third: pump
what chamber should I put it in?
I also plan on picking up live rock rubble sometime.. should they go in te same chamber?
All ideas/knowledge are greatly appreciated.

nano reefer

Active Member
slow down bub. First things first, it is highly recommended by me and many other nano aquarists that you take out the bio balls. Now, here is what i did, i took out bio balls and top trickle tray. I kept in the bio ball strainer and on top of it i keep a bag of purigen, phosguard and carbon. Where the carbon cartridge was i took out the carbon and filter pad stuff and custom fit a "POly Filtration Pad" to fit on the cartrdge. (cartridges are 12 bucks ea but my lfs sells poly pads 6 bucks ea because i buy in bulk, and poly pads tend to last a little bit longer). If, you want to use filter floss, put it in the middle chamber on the top of everything or on the bottom of everything. For LR rubble, i have heard some great stuff about "seachem matrix", it is rubble sized nitrate mainting media that never needs replacement and (although i dont use it) i know of multiple others who do. I think having LR rubble is rather useless because i have about 10 lbs LR in my tank so i get all my biological filtration from that. Heres how your filter should look no matter what way you do it. Chamber one: cartridge thingy. Chamber 2: all other pads, media, LR rubble, and chaeto. Chamber 3: pump and heater. If you want great filtration tips, find some tank diaries, everyone tells of there filtration methods because so many people ask.

nano reefer

Active Member
ahhhh good question. For a really good explanation and pictures check out melles tank diray. If i tried to explain it would probably butcher it so find that diary, i will try and find the link right now...


Active Member
I have a 24g nano.
If I were you the first things I would do would be take out ALL of the stock sponges. They are crazy nitrate factories and are a pain to clean and expensive to replace. My setup is as follows....
1st, empty except for every once in awhile I will put some FF in to catch any sediment stired up in tank.
2nd, LR rubble, you can NEVER have too much biological filtration. A wise man once told me, use more biology and less technology. I have a ph here to my chiller but that is extra.
3rd, only pump to main tank.
My tank is always crystal clear and my trates stay very low. Also if you have corals if you have all kinds of bagged media and sponges and whatnot they will take ALL of the good stuff out before the coral can get enough of it. Think about if you were eating dinner with me putting a vaccume cleaner in your face, you might get one or two bites but the rest is sucked up.


Active Member
Oh and no Biocube and nano cube have different chambers, 4 in bio and 3 in nano.