Filter help on 26G Bow


New Member
Hello All,
First time on the board, love the site.
So, I have been a FW owner for as long as I can remember. I have decided to take the leap and try my hand at starting a SW aquarium.
I was given a 26G aqueon bow as a gift, love the tank. Now for my problem. I do not know which filter to go with. Research states to go with 10X's the gph. This would be a 260gph, but someone said because its salt have to higher. Due to the setup of where the tank is, I dont have a lot of clearance behind the tank, only about 6 inches. So I have to rule out the filter of choice which is the aquaclear 70. Can anyone recommend another set of HOB filters for this size tank that might be a bit slimmer? I have seen a lot of mixed reviews on the aqueon 75 (400), so I am hesistant but it would be a good fit.
Some additional information, I plan to get 20-25 lbs of live rock, no skimmer this time around. Only plan to keep about 4 fish (maybe some cardinals or clowns).
Appreciate any help you guys can provide! Thank you!

mr. limpid

Active Member
So no coral? Then any HOB that will fit will work just remember extra filtration is needed in SW. SW fish can not tolerate high ammonia. Can you do a canister filter below your tank? Also you probably need to add a power head for extra circulation. And yes 10x gph is a good rule of thumb.
And Welcome


New Member
Thanks for the advice! Maybe add some coral later. Canister is a possibility, the amount of room might be tight.
I'm just concerned with quality of the filter. Someone also stated the aqueon can get loud.

mr. limpid

Active Member
Just remember coral need pristine water quality so the larger the filter the better, also you need add a protein skimmer if you want to add coral. Just something else to think about.