Filter Help Please

mike j

Hi there, haven't posted in quite a while.
I am having some real problems with red algae in my tank right now; mainly on the sand. Does depth with the sand help prevent this? I know it is good to have a DSB, but I was wondering if that could be part of the reason why I am having the cynobacteria problem. I am running on a Fluval 404 and am considering putting a new filter on my wish list for X-mas this year if something out there can help with it.
I am currently having to remove it by siphon and it just continues to grow back. Any suggestions? BTW, I only have a single chromis with 50 lbs (soon to be more) of live rock.
Thanks is advance.


Active Member
Most of the time it's caused from something wrong in the tank. I had this problem too and this is what I did. I took a power head and blew the heck out of the rocks there was a lot of crap in the rocks. Then I sucked all the stuff of the sand and added chemi clean. Once I changed 20% of the water It has never come back. Are your bulbs old or new that can cause probs too

mike j

Actually, I just replaced bulbs two weeks ago, about a month before I should have just in case the bad bulbs were the culprit. Perhaps I should have different filter media? I simply use the carbon which I replace every is really stumping me. I have tried cleaning out the rocks (while trying to keep crabs alive) with brushes/powerhead combination.