filter help


Hi, I currently have a 40g FO tank with a UGF(w/ 2 power heads). Debating whether to get an Emporer 400 or Seaclone Protein Skimmer. Help? And should I wait until after the cycling period?


I know this is going to open a can of worms. I would get the seaclone skimmer. A lot of people on this board don't like it, but I have had great luck with it. Wait until your cycle is through before you run it though.
As for the UGF, I would get rid of it. In the long run it will cause you much more trouble than it is worth. You would be much better off adding LR or LS. It will cost a bit more now, but pay off in the long run.
[ April 24, 2001: Message edited by: Dseiler ]


Well from what ive learned on this site is that it really doesnt matter wether you use the skimmer now or after the cycle. Its just that you wont really pull anything out until at least the cycle is over. So save some money from the electric company and put it toward the skimmer. Ive heard nothing but bad things about the Seaclone. For a 40gal tank and the cost of the Seaclone, you may be better off getting the prism. is rated for up to 100gal, so say 75gal to be behind borderlines. That is more than you need, plus i believe its cheaper than the Seaclone.