Filter Help


I would like to know what is the best filter system for my aquarium... would it be a under gravel filter... Or one of those pumps that sit on the bottom of your stand... Or a over the wall filter? What is the most quiet and best?? Also would I need a protein skimmer in a 90 gallon auarium and a power head? Im upgrading from a 30 to a 90.


Well the underground filters were top of the line filteration years ago but now they are pretty much worthless due to the new filters out. The canister filters are ok but not as good as a protein skimmer. If you get a good protein skimmer then that will be a good source of filteration as well as liverock.


Active Member
Undergravel filters are terrible. I would avoid them at all costs.
Wet/dry's or sumps are best because they can move the most water.
Your main filtration on any tank is live rock. Make sure you have adequate amounts of live rock.
You definitely need a skimmer and powerhead in a 90 gallon saltwater aquarium.