Filter help


New Member
im using a Hagen AquaClear 50 Aquarium Power Filter for my SW 20g tank im just getting setup. my question is, do i want to use the filter pads and stuff that came with it? i see alot of people using stuff like LR in their filters. this particular filter hangs over the edge and waterfalls back into the tank.
any words from the wise would be great! help me understand how these filters work! thanks


For fish only they are ok but change the carbon reguarly and wash the filter block in your old SW after you do a water change. Depending on how many fish you have you might want to change them more often then they recommend.


for a reef I use hang on filters without the media in them it help with surface agitation and a place to add carbon or other media when needed but the LR and sand is the main and best filtration with good water flow


New Member
ok, so a filter isnt needed to take out particles like i used one for in a FW tank. i just need something to help the water flow and circulate since ill be using LR and LS? i can use the filter to add carbon and stuff like that when needed.


right unlike FW tanks there are living creatures cleaning the tank of all the stuff that the filter pads take out of FW cause theres nothing eating it. SW you got worms, pods, snails, crabs, and many other things that come in on the rock just waiting for that dinner the pads would collect.
if there is a porblem with build up its usually our fault by over feeding!


I agree..Add 30lbs of LR. I don't add any carbon but it is a good idea. Also make sure you get a good skimmer. The one thing that I wish I knew when i started was that in this hobby the cheap equipment isn't worth it. You will always replace it and get the good stuff so buy the best equipment you can.