filter issues


New Member
I have a 20-gal tank that ive had set up for a few years. Everything was going great with the few little fish ive had (mostly damsels and clowns).
I have a bio-matrix filter w/ protein skimmer. Just a few weeks a go i bought a few snails for algae clean-up and 2 pounds of live rock to start out.
The snails all suddenly died. I asked a pet-store clerk about it and he started yelling at me about how u should never have live rock with my type of filter.
Now i'm pretty confused. I feel like i've been told so many different things. I was told before that live rock was good for my tank, but not necessary.
Also, I was checking out my filter and i guess there is supposed to be dirty water that comes to the top on the little compartment thing... well there is brownish stuff that is there but no water... irs all dry with crusty salt.
Please dont start yelling at me like the store guy.. i just want a healthy fish tank. I really appreciate you reading this and any constructive coments that can help me out!!! :)
m. green:rolleyes:


Do you have a sump? Not sure what kind of filter that is. I think you are talking about a wet/dry with a skimmer.


I am not sure what type of filter you have but I have run just about every type of filter at one time or another and have had live rock in all my tanks.

barry cuda

I think the pet store clerk is probably an idiot. Not just an idiot, either, but a rude one. Live rock and a skimmer is how most of the "sharks" on this board seem to run their tanks. I don't know about the bio-matrix skimmer but the brand name seems to imply that it's just something to pass the water over/through a bacterial medium? Sounds just fine to me. That's what LR is supposed to provides a lot of growth surface for the bacteria that break down the waste products in your tank. Giving it a little extra help won't hurt. And the skimmer definitely can't hurt. It sounds like it may be in need of adjustment, but I can't think of any reason why a skimmer would be detrimental...
You may need to find another LFS to shop at, or start buying online. You'll get better and more impartial advice here at any rate, as these people have no financial motive to affect their advice.
A couple more suggestions ... if you aren't testing your water, you'll probably find that helpful (essential?). I'd at least test for ammonia, nitrites, and nitrates. If you're doing that, you'll be able to tell yourself what may be going on in the tank without relying on rude salespeople who may or may not have a clue. Also, I'll recommend a couple of books you might find helpful if you don't already have them. Robert Fenner's The Conscientious Marine Aquarist is more or less the definitive guide to the fundamentals. It's a great book, but kind of dense at times. A more-approachable, if less exhaustive, source is The New Marine Aquarium by Michael Paletta. Both are readily available - you can get the Fenner book from once they start taking orders again. There's also a large online bookseller that I can't link to here
that carries both.