Filter keeps on overflowing.


I'm really getting tired of my filter. It's a U.S Aquariums Skimmer/Filter600. It originally had a Rio600, but it died one day when I poured some water into the overflow box so that the water level would be okay. Well I got a Cap600 which does around 300 gph. First, I have to put water into the overflow about 2 times a day or the pump will start making a weird noise, but still sucks water. But when I add water the filter always overflows and water drips on the floor. I can't even put my skimmer collection cup on or the pressure of the cup will cause the water to rise and leak onto the floor. The tube which the pump is hooked up to is only about 6" though. Do you think if I got a longer tube the filter wouldn't overflow. This problem began when I added the Cap600.


why not get another rio600? i know rio sucks but if thats the intended pump why not use it? also i think the rio 600 doesn't put out 300gal/hr like the cap you might have oversized it.


Good point Seabe0. I was thinking the same. Do you think if I got longer tubing it would help? I was thinking of getting 12" tube.


Also Seabe0, could you tell me the instructions on how to use the tapwater filter again. It will fit on the water hoses outside, but I guess it's too much pressure and water spills out. If I hook it up to a faucet it's too big.