

Active Member
I tested my water last night and my trates are elevated. Not to dangerous levels but around 10-20. My tank is usually at 0 but has steady gone up.
I use filter pads in 3 places in the sump: I run it a week and then change. When I do cange the filter pad all 3 are dark brown with all sorts of things collected in the tank. Do you think this is causing the problem? :notsure:
Water changes: by weekly 50 gal.
I do not over feed. the tangs get algea sheets all the time and fed 2x's a day small pellets.
Detail info:
Temp 80
Calc 480
Ammonia 0
Trates 20
trites 0
PH 8.0
Mag 1500
dkh 5.4
SG 1.026


I would cut back on feeding, Tangs will graze off your live rock. Try doing, a 25% water change every week.


Active Member
Since this is in the reef forum, I'll assume you have about 5-10 pounds of live rock per gallon and 20-25x water turnover. If that is the case then there really is no reason to utilize filter pads/cartridges. If you do use them, then you will have to wash them daily if you don't want them to contribute to elevated nitrates.


Active Member
Hey Mud, have not seen you post in a while.

This is what I have:
280lbs of LR
200lbs LS
turnover 14X
Any reconmendations on equipment upgrades. I will wash the pads daily.


Active Member
I would get that turnover up to 20x. you have a good-quality skimmer? How often do you do water changes?


Originally Posted by FISHY7
I have a 215 and do a 50gal change bi-weekly.
do you mean bi-weekly or semi-weekly? in other words, twice a week or every other week?


Active Member
Nitrates come from the bioload/food. To reduce them....reduce feeding, extra/bigger water changes, denitrification from DSB or no flow/oxygenated areas in the tank, and macro algeas to absorb them.