Filter pad into fuge?



Your fuge virtually is a filter pad. It should be abundant with pods and algaes and critters to eat whatever comes into it. If you filter uneaten food, you risk starving your critters in the fuge.


Active Member
I used to when I first started useing a sump/fuge untill I saw how much life, pods worms, plankton it traps....Much rather those make it back thru to the fuge and DT.


Im not sure how yours is set up. Mine has three sections. 1st is the skimmer area, second is the fuge, third is the return area. My baffles are the 3 glass design so it gets rid of bubbles. I think putting a filter in the first set of baffles would be okay, but not the area where the fuge empties into the return area, that would obviously trap them from getting to the display. In my previous post, DT refers to that stinky dead phytoplankton that your fuge critters love.