filter question, please help


please help me out, I was plannining on putting a 30 gal sump on my tank with bioballs, or lava rock. I dont want to spend the money for the bio balls, and I dont want to clean or deal with the risk of lava rocks. But I was thinking, in theory wouldn't filter floss or the blocks from the aquaclears be the same as regards to suppling surface area for the bacteria to grow. If they were able to do the same job of bio-balls, what would be the drawbacks seriously? Please help me!!!:notsure:


Please don't use lava rocks. It will work, but its highly advised not to use them by experts in this hobby, Calfo and Fenner.
You can pick up a couple of gallons of bio-balls online for less than the price of a pizza. Filter floss is likely to become a massive deitrus trap which would be harder to keep clean than bio-balls.