filter question


im going to run my 46 gallon fish-only and with a 3 stage canister filter and i want to know if its possible to run the aquarium on just that if i clean it very will every month?


Active Member
It'll be fine for that size tank, just remember that when you clean the internal filters (foam?) that you rinse/clean them in SW, not fresh water, otherwise you'll kill off all the beneficial bacteria thats on the surface of the sponges/foam....


Active Member
Im probably in the minority, but I don't run skimmers on any of my tanks. Even on my frag tanks and DT's, I actually removed them over a year ago and the tanks have never looked better or had any problems. But I don't over feed and keep fewer fish.
If it's a fish only (fowlr) and 46g there really is no need for a skimmer as the water changes will be enough to keep the water quality in check. Don't overfeed and overstock the tank and you will have no problems. How are you setting up the tank, how much LR, LS?, fish list?


im not gonna have live rock. i have a artificial coral reef that im gonna put in there so its just decor rock. im making about a 1 inch thik sand bed. im gonna put 2 clownfish, yellow tang, blue tang, and maby a couple anglefish but its gonna be someting like that.