Filter Question


New Member
I need some advise on filter systems. I have a 75 Gallon tank with 2 emperor Hang on Filters. It is Crystal Clear and have know problems with my levels. I want to change it over into a Reef Tank and i been told by one local petshop that its ok with the hang on then the other pet store tells me i need a wet dry filter. Whats the Diffrence? Doesnt Wet Dry filter system Nitrates get out of control?


I would say add a HOB protein skimmer the tank, I use to use the same emperor 400 filter and skimmer and was ok. What kinda lights you have?


Active Member
Ultimately you should put in a sump, but if your going to use a filter setup go with a larger system like a rena xp 4, those small hob filters arent the best .
Look on craigslist for a used canister filter, new they are about $200-.


New Member
I would have to look when i get home. I just bought it 4 days ago. It has the blue & White bulbs in it.


Active Member
i had a hang on back filter for the first 3 months of my tank than i bought a sump and kept the hang on back filter on the tank for 45 days after i added the sump so that the sump could cycle.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Taximan
I actually also have a fluval 404 in there with the 2 hang on filters and a power head
The fluval will work, but you will soon find out they are very troublesome, at least there customer service center folks are very helpful.


If your talking the longrun, build your self a sump out of an old aquarium, probably the same money if not cheaper to do


Active Member
Originally Posted by Taximan
SO which is better in the long run a Wet Dry Filter?
over the long run a wet/dry filter will become less and less effective. the best opinion is to build yourself a refugium. with a deep sand bed and micro algae.