Filter Question


Active Member
which is better for a reef tank w/fish.
protein skimmer, uv sterilization
or both?


Hi, I am rather new here, but I have asked this question before so I think I can at least get you pointed in the right direction. A protein skimmer is pretty much a necessity as you will need some way to remove the excess waste that your live rock and live sand cannot handle. A UV sterilizer is typically not such a good idea on a reef tank. Yes, it will kill most of the harmful bacteria in your tank, but it is not picky at all and will also kill the good bacteria, many of which the reef needs to survive. I would advise against a UV sterilizer, but if you really want the added security of a disease free tank then go ahead and use a UV sterilizer, but you will have to supplement much more. That is about all I can say on this topic as I have fairly limited knowledge. I'll turn this one over to the professionals. Hope this helps though.


I agree with peanut...the skimmer is a must...and he is also correct about the uv, however
I have seen several salt tanks with uv's hooked up that are wonderful....some of the guys run them occasionaly
some run them 24/7
I am about to add one to my 75 salt and run it 24/7 for about a week and see what happens..
someone dispute or support please!!!! I am in north dakota (geographically further from any salty body of water
than the moon)


Active Member
Skimmer is a must, must, must. The UV is not a good option on a reef tank for all of the reasons already mentioned, even if running it periodically. Most UVs have the capability of cycling through the entire tank's water capacity in a very, very short period of time. Most importantly, a UV kills not only the good bacteria but phytoplanton and everything under the sun that filter feeders need to survive. There are numerous ways to deal with the harmful stuff in a reef tank such as a lot of lr and ls, etc.. We can't have our cake and eat it to unfortunately.


I like to live on the edge...and don't quarantine new fish. To supliment my stupidity I run a uv for a while after I introduce a new fish. Seems to have worked so far.