Filter/Skimmer Recommendations


New Member
I am going to have a 75 with 100lbs of LR and 60 lbs of LS. I was planning on usinf a Fluval 404 filter and wondered what kind of skimmer you all would recommend. I will likely go to a sump in the future, but I am looking for an over the back type as a start. Also let me know if you think the Fluval is a good idea. I will likely also have 2 powerheads (unknown type as of yet)


New Member
I use a Fluval304 with a remoraPro HOB skimmer it works fantastic. Positive results in water quality with in two weeks. New to boards but long time fan of the helpful reading!!!!!


Originally Posted by Cigar101
I use a Fluval304 with a remoraPro HOB skimmer it works fantastic. Positive results in water quality with in two weeks. New to boards but long time fan of the helpful reading!!!!!
I also have a fluval 404 and a remora pro protein skimmer with the mag 3 pump.
Before that setup I had a fluval 404 and an emperor with the 2 biowheels and never had an issue there as well. I did not have a protein skimmer at this time and the water quality was excellent. 0 ammonia, 0 nitrates, 0 nitrites.
I did not get a protein skimmer for a while until I started adding more fish but even now, it skims very little waste but is definitely working. I think I have 2 few fishes in the tank and could have waited for a while longer before getting the skimmer.
I also bought the surface skimmer attachement for the fluval which works great. I never see any residue or anything at the surface now, its mirror clear
I also have a powerhead with the sponge attached to it and that usually grabs the larger stuff. I wash that out once a week.