

New Member
Hello, I have an empty 29g tank, i need to know what kind of filter i should buy to start a nice clean saltwater eviorment, i already have a 20-30 hangup filter, I am not sure if this is going to be good enough. Also if anyone can give me a list of exactly what equipment i need to get started i would really appreciate it. ect.. Lights,heater,fileter,chemicals,sand,salt. Basically everything i would need. I am going to get a book, but any info would help.


Well for right now I would recomend an Emperor 280, thats what I am useing and I have had no problems.....Get sand not crushed coral.....get as much LR ( live rock) as you can now so it will all cycle at once....about 1.5-2 lbs per gallon is recomended.......I am not sure on lights.......make sure you get test kits to test your own water. Get a few power heads to move alot of want around 10-15x of water turnover an hour.....get a hydro meter... heater...skimmer...and when you go to start your cycle in your tank, dont use fish......use a raw cocktail shrimp or some fish flakes..............
P.S. Get a few books and read them!!!!!!! It will help you alot.