

Active Member
so my filter is leaking. very little but that is def. not a good thing! i want to just buy a new one. but i gotta go cheap!! i only get about 40 dollars a week and i can only use about 20 of it. i can use about 40 of it this time but thats it! what should i get? i have chaeto to put in it as well.


y dont you return it and get a new one. im kinda glad i didnt buy that filter now. you should buy the aquaclear filter and mod it. im waiting for mine to come in so i can do it. good luck
btw where is it leaking from? could some caulk fix it(sylicone)?


Active Member
well its just really old and i already fixed i was just being cheap i should have gotten a new one from the start


is it leaking from the top or something? i say get the aqua70 google the mod for it. it looks like one nice filter if you have the time to wait for it to get fixed.
you could probly do any one of the aqua clears: 20, 30, 50 or 70's
i bought 2 of the 50's and one 70 for my tanks to make the mods on it for the fuge.


some sylicone could fix that right up. or atleast until you can get the funds together for a good one that is.


Active Member
yeah silicone for the mean time, but it'll need like 48hours dry to really cure to hold water...
Check a local club or craigslist for an used aquaclear 110 or whatever.