keith gray
I am new to the nano world. I recently set upa 14 biocube. I have Seachem carbon and phosphate remover inthe back of it. The system call with bioballs and I put in a little filter pad(habit I guess).
I have some liver rock, not fish or corals yet. Once I get nitrates down I will stock something in it. Nitrates are about 50-60 right now.
Other than rigging some type of refugium what else can I do to ensure success.
Do I replace bioballs with live rock ?
Do I try to rig small light so I can have chaeto ?
I don't have room or desire to set up a fuge, so ideas anyone ?
I have some liver rock, not fish or corals yet. Once I get nitrates down I will stock something in it. Nitrates are about 50-60 right now.
Other than rigging some type of refugium what else can I do to ensure success.
Do I replace bioballs with live rock ?
Do I try to rig small light so I can have chaeto ?
I don't have room or desire to set up a fuge, so ideas anyone ?