filtering a nano

keith gray

I am new to the nano world. I recently set upa 14 biocube. I have Seachem carbon and phosphate remover inthe back of it. The system call with bioballs and I put in a little filter pad(habit I guess).
I have some liver rock, not fish or corals yet. Once I get nitrates down I will stock something in it. Nitrates are about 50-60 right now.
Other than rigging some type of refugium what else can I do to ensure success.
Do I replace bioballs with live rock ?
Do I try to rig small light so I can have chaeto ?
I don't have room or desire to set up a fuge, so ideas anyone ?


Active Member
IMO replace bioballs with a good quality skimmer. Replace carbon and phosphate remover with ChemiPure Elite, and purigen. Have a small tray where the water overflows the first chamber into the second and use Polyester fiber fill there. I change mine everyday. Very inexpensive when purchased at craft or fabric store.

keith gray

What skimmer do you think. I see such mixed reviews on the Oceanic biocube skimmer. It is going to have to be something mighty small to fit in the chamber in the back of the tank


Active Member
Recommended for aquariums from 10 to 52 US gal. of salt water.
Dimensions: L4.9 x W2.1 x H13.3 in.
Immersion depth: 7 to 8.6 in.
115V/60Hz 10 W
Skimmer cup volume: .079 US gal.
Air capacity:39.6 US gal./h
Around $150.00