filters on reefs


does everyone have a filter on thier tanks is it ok just to have a protien skimmer. i want to get a filter but did not know is it would effect the food that the coral get from my tank.


I have live rock and a refugium with macro in it as biological filters plus a skimmer. I run carbon every so often but otherwise the bio filters handle everything just fine.


Active Member
I always run a filter and skimmer on my tanks. Skimmers can't remove chemicals and are not very good at filtering out larger particles.


Active Member
Fiber or floss type filters do trap live fana ( pods. plankton ) that does benifit ' SOME ' corals and the overall reef. I do not use those types of filters on my reef. I have a refugium to help produce that kind of bio life and a filter that would trap them just defeats the purpose IMO


Active Member
the only "filters" i have on my tank besides my skimmer are tons of lr and macro in the fuge. i think its the only way to go.


I run a hang on filter and run carbon in it to polish the water. When I don't run it, there is a huge difference. It won't hurt anything, many people do this.


Active Member
I think most experienced reefers actually DON'T use a filter.
Skimmer and lots of live rock is all you need. If you want to run carbon toss a sock in your sump.


I use a sump under my tank, with bio balls. I know these are infamous for nitrate production, but I don't seem to have any problems. I would probably agree with wax32 though, that most experienced reefers don't use a filter. I consider myself inexperienced with only about 2 years invested in saltwater fish, and only recently have I developed an interest in reef tanks.


so does that mean i shouldnt add a sump to start my reef? just the skimmer and lrock? another question for the experienced out there, my tank isnt predrilled. so are there sumps for non drilled tanks?


I am using LR with a sump and true filter Also have a refugium plumbed in to the mix with assorted live goodies in there. I keep a HOB canister arod for poishing the tank or sand storms. Canisters are nitrate factories.


Originally Posted by SaminFl
so does that mean i shouldnt add a sump to start my reef? just the skimmer and lrock? another question for the experienced out there, my tank isnt predrilled. so are there sumps for non drilled tanks?
to use a sump you would need an overflow that hangs on the back of the tank


Active Member
In my DT-LR, LS, two HOB filters(no floss-carbon only). In my fuge/sump-chaeto, LR, LS, and two skimmers.